On this episode, songs about drives as in addresses as well as music from Swedish pianist Jonas Knutsson are featured along with Chick Corea, vibist Gary Burton and Miss Midori are some of the artists featured today. Some exciting music!! Enjoy!
01 shota osabe and margie baker a bit of jazz and more east river drive 4.17 02 italian instabile orchestra european concerts 94-97 la mesa drive 10.26 03 barry daniel phantom suite east palm drive 8.00 04 jim chappell laughter at dawn autumn drive 4.36 05 weather report 8:30 birdland 6.59 06 antonio forcione and neil stacey acoustic mania birdland 5.40 07 chick corea music forever and beyond spain 5.56 08 gary burton and rebecca parris it's another day fire in the forest 4.24 09 shelly manne shelly manne and his men spring is here 2.43 10 ernie krivda the glory strut i remember clifford 5.11 11 carla white the sweetest sounds but i was wrong 4.53 12 miss midori and the jazz inquisition miss midori and the jazz inquisition mood indigo 7.29 13 joe williams and ella fitzgerald every day - the best of the verve years the party blues 3.58 14 ancient future planet passion i mett her in the meadow, a 1.19 15 jonas knutsson a remark you made birdland 4.53 16 jonas knutsson a remark you made midnight mood 7.33
part1 01 the nylons - harmony-the christmas songs - carol of the bells - 1.23 02 mojazz all stars - a mojazz christmas volume...