2022-10-In-Transition-October-02 Barry Elmes, Barney Kessel, Shorty Rogers...

October 02, 2022 01:53:02
2022-10-In-Transition-October-02 Barry Elmes, Barney Kessel, Shorty Rogers...
In Transition
2022-10-In-Transition-October-02 Barry Elmes, Barney Kessel, Shorty Rogers...

Oct 02 2022 | 01:53:02


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

The subject of boats begins this edition of In Transition Canadian drummer Barry Elmes is also featured as well as Clarinet legend Benny Goodman on one track, stride pianist Dave McKenna and a few others. 1 charlie byrd little boat boat songs 2 bix beiderbecke riverboat shuffle the quintessence 3 shirley horn there's a boat leaving soon for new yorkdo it again 4 barney kessel on a slow boat to china kessel plays standards 5 dmp big band volga boatman carved in stone 6 arnett cobb when my dream boat comes home party time 7 elvin jones someone's rockin' my jazzboat new agenda 8 barry elmes flat rock east west 9 barry elmes c.p. blues different voices 10 barry elmes in your own sweet way different voices 11 amos milburn my luck is bound to change complete aladin recordings 12 benny goodman this is my lucky day the yale university music library 13 dave mckenna you're lucky to me solo piano 14 maynard ferguson this is my lucky day mosaic 156 15 mildred bailey that lucky fellow the best of milgred bailey 16 ruth brown lucky lips the music of ruth brown 17 sarah vaughan lucky in love the mercury records songbook 18 shorty rogers no such luck swings 19 stan getz pot luck 1953-54 clef-norgran sessions 20 tom lellis luck southern avenue of the americas 21 trummy young;s big seven lucky draw complete hrs sessions 22 duane andrews raindrops raindrops 23 louis armstrong knee drop the hot five and hot seven recordings 24 larry young love drops complete blue note recordings 25 count basie bring on the raindrops the legend the legacy 26 shadowfax shadowfax a thousand teardrops 27 steve howe and martin taylor masterpiece guitars two teardrops

Other Episodes

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