2002-06-In-Transition-June-09 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include the great alto sax player Johnny Hodges, another great sax player in Wayne Shorter as well as pianist Ron Johnston.

June 09, 2002 01:58:13
2002-06-In-Transition-June-09 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include the great alto sax player Johnny Hodges, another great sax player in Wayne Shorter as well as pianist Ron Johnston.
In Transition
2002-06-In-Transition-June-09 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include the great alto sax player Johnny Hodges, another great sax player in Wayne Shorter as well as pianist Ron Johnston.

Jun 09 2002 | 01:58:13


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

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