2002-06-In-Transition-June-02 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include The group The Caribbean Jazz Project, guitarist Jim Hall, as well as in my opinion the greatest entertainer ever, Sammy Davis Jr.

June 02, 2002 01:57:43
2002-06-In-Transition-June-02 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include The group The Caribbean Jazz Project, guitarist Jim Hall, as well as in my opinion the greatest entertainer ever, Sammy Davis Jr.
In Transition
2002-06-In-Transition-June-02 Some of the featured musicians on today's episode include The group The Caribbean Jazz Project, guitarist Jim Hall, as well as in my opinion the greatest entertainer ever, Sammy Davis Jr.

Jun 02 2002 | 01:57:43


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

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