2001-11-In-Transition-November-25 Some of the musicians featured today include sax player Eddie cleanhead Vinson, Canadian flute and sax player Moe Koffman, as well as vocalist Barbara Montgomery...

March 27, 2023 01:56:20
2001-11-In-Transition-November-25 Some of the musicians featured today include sax player Eddie cleanhead Vinson, Canadian flute and sax player Moe Koffman, as well as vocalist Barbara Montgomery...
In Transition
2001-11-In-Transition-November-25 Some of the musicians featured today include sax player Eddie cleanhead Vinson, Canadian flute and sax player Moe Koffman, as well as vocalist Barbara Montgomery...

Mar 27 2023 | 01:56:20


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

Other Episodes

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April 08, 2023 02:01:28
Episode Cover

2006-09-In-Transition-September-10 A tribute to sax player Dewey Redman featuring bassist Charlie Haden, pianists Randy Weston and Keith Jarrett plus drummer Billy Hart among others...


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2014-03-In-Transition-March-16 Bud Powell, Randy Weston, Chu Berry...


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November 15, 2020 01:56:25
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2020 11 In Transition November 15 Karen Souza, Julie London, Catherine Russell
