Latest Episodes

2023-12-In-Transition-December-17 Some of the featured artists include bassist Simon Fisk, the group The L.A.4, as well as pianist Junior Mance.
december-17-2023-playlist 01 ernie henry last chorus cleo’s chant 8.3002 simon fisk trainwrecks i fall in love too easily 9.4903 the l.a. 4 scores allemande...

2023-12-In-Transition-December-10 Some of the featured musicians include music from pianist Phineas Newborn, guitarist John Abercrombie, as well as drummer jeff Hamilton.
december-10-2023-playlist 01 bill king moment’s notice night sounds 7.5302 phineas newborn atlantic jazz celia 3.0603 john abercrombie current events clint 6.0204 victor feldman the...

2023-12-In-Transition-December-03 Music from local musician Dean Pallen, guitarist Ronnie Jordan, as well as Sai Ghose.
december-03-2023-playlist 01 dean pallen strathcona park strathcona park 3.3102 ronny jordan april 2000 two worlds 5.5203 denny christianson big band the doomsday machine simian...

2023-11-In-Transition-November-26 bassist red mitchell, vocalist tony bennett, as well as sax player scott hamilton are only some of the musicians featured on today's episode.
november-26-2023-playlist01 red mitchell presenting red mitchell -1957 i thought of you 5.1902 billy cobham powerplay 1986 a light shines in your eyes 6.0003 al...

2023-11-In-Transition-November-19 some of the featured artists on today's episode include trumpet great donald byrd, canadian christine fagan as well as pianist joe sealy.
november-19-2023-playlist01 a/b trio out west my romance 5.2802 donald byrd and gigi gryce modern jazz perspective early bird 6.27 sep 3 1957 in nyc03...

2023-11-In-Transition-November-12 trumpet great kenny wheeler and bassist david holland are featured on todays episode.
november-12-2023-playlist 01 kenny wheeler what now? what now? 7.4702 david holland emerald tears combintation 5.2203 kenny wheeler what now? for tracy 6.1904 david holland...