2005-10-In-Transition-October-02 Singer Rosemary Clooney, sax player Tony Campise, as well as The Brotherhood of Breath among others...

October 02, 2005 01:57:05
2005-10-In-Transition-October-02 Singer Rosemary Clooney, sax player Tony Campise, as well as The Brotherhood of Breath among others...
In Transition
2005-10-In-Transition-October-02 Singer Rosemary Clooney, sax player Tony Campise, as well as The Brotherhood of Breath among others...

Oct 02 2005 | 01:57:05


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

Other Episodes

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April 17, 2023 01:58:53
Episode Cover

2010-11-In-Transition-November-14 Some of todays featured musicians include music from The Bennett Archives (Barney Bigard), Canadian musicians pianist Joe Sealy with bassist Paul Novotny as well as the Canadian band JMOG.


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April 29, 2023 01:55:51
Episode Cover

2011-08-In-Transition-August-28 Some featured artists include guitarist Johnny Smith, Canadian group The Bob Brough Quartet as well as trumpet player Kenny Wheeler.


Episode 0

September 27, 2021 01:56:26
Episode Cover

1995 04 In Transition April 23
