2005-04-In-Transition-April-10 vocalists Rod Stewart and Queen Latifa, violinist Stephan Grappelli with pianist McCoy Tyner, and bassist Paul Chambers are some of the featured musicians.

October 24, 2021 01:57:19
2005-04-In-Transition-April-10 vocalists Rod Stewart and Queen Latifa, violinist Stephan Grappelli with pianist McCoy Tyner, and bassist Paul Chambers are some of the featured musicians.
In Transition
2005-04-In-Transition-April-10 vocalists Rod Stewart and Queen Latifa, violinist Stephan Grappelli with pianist McCoy Tyner, and bassist Paul Chambers are some of the featured musicians.

Oct 24 2021 | 01:57:19


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

Other Episodes

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Episode Cover

