2001-09-In-Transition-September-23 Some of the musicians featured today include sax player George Adams, bassist Ray Brown and an interesting sax player in John Klemmer...

March 25, 2023 01:59:48
2001-09-In-Transition-September-23  Some of the musicians featured today include sax player George Adams, bassist Ray Brown and an interesting sax player in John Klemmer...
In Transition
2001-09-In-Transition-September-23 Some of the musicians featured today include sax player George Adams, bassist Ray Brown and an interesting sax player in John Klemmer...

Mar 25 2023 | 01:59:48


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

Other Episodes

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March 17, 2002 01:57:56
Episode Cover

2002-03-In-Transition-March-17 Some of the musicians featured today include trumpet players Lee Morgan and Roy Hargrove as well as the great sax player Art Pepper.


Episode 0

November 11, 2020 00:44:43
Episode Cover

Heidtmann Stefan - German jazz pianist


Episode 0

August 03, 2003 02:01:11
Episode Cover

2003-08-In-Transition-August-03 Special guest host Oswin Lohe on today's episode.
