2001-02-In-Transition-February-25 Some of the musicians featured today include Canadian trumpet player and bandleader Maynard Ferguson, trumpet player Tom Harrell, as well as vocalist Carla White.

October 23, 2021 01:56:53
2001-02-In-Transition-February-25 Some of the musicians featured today include Canadian trumpet player and bandleader Maynard Ferguson, trumpet player Tom Harrell, as well as vocalist Carla White.
In Transition
2001-02-In-Transition-February-25 Some of the musicians featured today include Canadian trumpet player and bandleader Maynard Ferguson, trumpet player Tom Harrell, as well as vocalist Carla White.

Oct 23 2021 | 01:56:53


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

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