2000-10-In-Transition-October-01 Some of the featured musicians include sax player Joshua Redman, Steve Davis, and pianist and educator Marian McPartland...

October 21, 2021 01:53:37
2000-10-In-Transition-October-01 Some of the featured musicians include sax player Joshua Redman, Steve Davis, and pianist and educator Marian McPartland...
In Transition
2000-10-In-Transition-October-01 Some of the featured musicians include sax player Joshua Redman, Steve Davis, and pianist and educator Marian McPartland...

Oct 21 2021 | 01:53:37


Hosted By

Randy McElligott

Show Notes

Other Episodes

Episode 0

April 17, 2023 01:57:32
Episode Cover

2010-08-In-Transition-August-29 Some of todays featured musicians include The Kelly Jefferson Quartet, The Bennett Archives (The Magnolia Jazz Band), as well as Canadian trumpet player Lina Alemano.


Episode 0

March 31, 2021 01:57:45
Episode Cover

2012-04-In-Transition-April-08 Chase Sanborn, Freddie Hubbard, Guido Basso...

01 Brian Lynch 24-7 West End Blues 09.0502 Red Rodney’s Be-Boppers Complete Keynote Collection Fine And Dandy 02.4003 Chase Sanborn Good To The Last...


Episode 0

February 10, 2019 01:57:15
Episode Cover

2019 02 In Transition February 10 - Oliver Jones, Joe Jones, Robin Kenyatta
